Photo Gallery Archives

Here you will find photos of Hunstanton Concert Band, and its members, taken during 2010 and earlier.

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We are very keen to show more photos of the band, especially anything taken before 2008. If you have any that you would allow us to display on these pages please contact the Webmaster. Thank you!

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Raising money for the Hunstanton Town Hall basement Youth Project 
Outside Sainsbury's, Hunstanton 
18th December, 2010 Raising money for the Hunstanton Town Hall basement Youth Project 
Outside Sainsbury's, Hunstanton 
18th December, 2010 Raising money for the Hunstanton Town Hall basement Youth Project 
Outside Sainsbury's, Hunstanton 
18th December, 2010 Raising money for the Hunstanton Town Hall basement Youth Project 
Outside Sainsbury's, Hunstanton 
18th December, 2010 Raising money for the Hunstanton Town Hall basement Youth Project 
Outside Sainsbury's, Hunstanton &Alf Ball conducting from the 1st Trumpet 
		December, 2010 Raising money for the Hunstanton Town Hall basement Youth Project 
Outside Sainsbury's, Hunstanton &Bryant Marriott directing the impromptu sleigh bell 
18th December, 2010 Raising money for the Hunstanton Town Hall basement Youth Project 
Outside Sainsbury's, Hunstanton 
Saxophonist Elizabeth Morrison with grandchildren Ben 
		and Tom with sleigh bells 
218th December, 2010 A Brass Quartet 
(Alf conducting from 1st Trumpet, Trina on Trumpet and Flugelhorn, Becky on Trombone and Tony on Tuba) 
After playing for a Christmas 
		Dinner at the Titchwell Manor Hotel 
16th December, 2010 Carol Service, Docking 
13th December, 2010 
Photo Jan Foster Carol Service, Docking 
13th December, 2010 
Photo Jan Foster Carol Service, Docking 
13th December, 2010 
Photo Jan Foster Carol Service, Docking 
13th December, 2010 
Photo Jan Foster Hand Aid Two Concert
Church of St. Peter & St. Paul, Fakenham
20th November, 2010
Photo Jan Foster Hand Aid Two Concert
Church of St. Peter & St. Paul, Fakenham
20th November, 2010
Photo Jan Foster Becky Palmer at the Hand Aid Two Concert
Church of St. Peter & St. Paul, Fakenham
20th November, 2010
Photo Jan Foster The Royal British Legion Lest We Forget Concert
Hunstanton Town Hall
30th October, 2010
Photo Jan Foster The Royal British Legion Lest We Forget Concert
Hunstanton Town Hall
30th October, 2010
Photo Jan Foster The Royal British Legion Lest We Forget Concert
Hunstanton Town Hall
30th October, 2010
Photo Jan Foster The Bandstand, Hunstanton - 5th September, 2010
Photo Jan Foster The Bandstand, Hunstanton - 5th September, 2010
Three chairs for Alf conducting from the 1st Trumpet!
Photo Jan Foster The Bandstand, Hunstanton - 5th September, 2010
Chris Smith and Barry Eastwood - two regular HCB groupies!
Photo Jan Foster Kite Festival, Hunstanton - 22nd August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Kite Festival, Hunstanton - 22nd August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Kite Festival, Hunstanton - 22nd August, 2010
Mary Hornback
Photo Wayne Smith Kite Festival, Hunstanton - 22nd August, 2010
Josh Hornback
Photo Wayne Smith Kite Festival, Hunstanton - 22nd August, 2010
Eli Hornback
Photo Wayne Smith Kite Festival, Hunstanton - 22nd August, 2010
Peter Barrow helping out on percussion
Photo Wayne Smith Kite Festival, Hunstanton - 22nd August, 2010
Jayne Thomas
Photo Wayne Smith Kite Festival, Hunstanton - 22nd August, 2010
Janet Eastwood
Photo Wayne Smith Kite Festival, Hunstanton - 22nd August, 2010
Lisa Brian
Photo Wayne Smith Holme-next-the-Sea Church Fête
14th August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Holme-next-the-Sea Church Fête
Bridget Crofts
14th August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Holme-next-the-Sea Church Fête
Elizabeth Morrison and David Kittle
14th August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Holme-next-the-Sea Church Fête
Jayne Thomas and David Kittle
14th August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Holme-next-the-Sea Church Fête
Len Purvis, Lisa Brian and Jacky Vugler
14th August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Holme-next-the-Sea Church Fête
Bryant Marriot ready to blow the whistle!
14th August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Holme-next-the-Sea Church Fête
Bruce Taylor
14th August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Holme-next-the-Sea Church Fête
Chris Gutteridge, Andrew Morrison and John Doubleday
14th August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Holme-next-the-Sea Church Fête
Alf Ball conducting from the 1st Trumpet
14th August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Holme-next-the-Sea Church Fête
David Kittle
14th August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Holme-next-the-Sea Church Fête
Jacky Vugler
14th August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Holme-next-the-Sea Church Fête
Elizabeth Morrison and Pam Morgan enjoying a joke
...and Tony Foster in the back row not hearing it (as usual!)
14th August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Holme-next-the-Sea Church Fête
John Smith's handsome new beard trying to rise above everyone!
14th August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Holme-next-the-Sea Church Fête
Pam Morgan
14th August, 2010
Photo Wayne Smith Union Church Fair - The Director of Music, Chris Gutteridge, conducting from the 1st Trombone - 3rd July, 2010 - Photo David Hulse Union Church Fair - The Director of Music, Chris Gutteridge, conducting from the 1st Trombone - 3rd July, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster The Hunstanton Carnival - Our Director of Music, Chris Gutteridge mixing it with the brass! - 27th June, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster The Hunstanton Carnival - 27th June, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster The Hunstanton Carnival - 27th June, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Ollands Farm, Heydon - Reception given by the High Sheriff of Norfolk, C.W.L Barratt - 24th June, 2010 - Photo Tony Foster Ollands Farm, Heydon - Reception given by the High Sheriff of Norfolk, C.W.L Barratt - 24th June, 2010 - Photo Tony Foster Ollands Farm, Heydon - Reception given by the High Sheriff of Norfolk, C.W.L Barratt - 24th June, 2010 - Photo Tony Foster Chris Gutteridge, Director of Music HCB at Ollands Farm, Heydon - Reception given by the High Sheriff of Norfolk, C.W.L Barratt - 24th June, 2010 - Photo Tony Foster Ringstead Open Gardens Day - 20th June, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Ringstead Open Gardens Day - 20th June, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Stanhoe's Hog Roast - 22nd May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Stanhoe's Hog Roast - 22nd May, 2010 - Trina Barrow and Helen Driver - Photo Jan Foster Stanhoe's Hog Roast - 22nd May, 2010 - Chris Gutteridge meets the organiser, Pen Roche - Photo Jan Foster Stanhoe's Hog Roast - Clarinets present and past with Bridget Crofts and Jo Polito -22nd May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Stanhoe's Hog Roast - Chris Gutteridge multi-tasking as he conducts from the trombone - 22nd May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Stanhoe's Hog Roast - Bridget Crofts and Jacky Vugler - 22nd May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Stanhoe's Hog Roast - David Kittle setting up - 22nd May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Stanhoe's Hog Roast - Bruce Taylor and Janet Eastwood - 22nd May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Stanhoe's Hog Roast - Jayne Thomas and Pam Morgan - 22nd May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Dr. John Smith, the Birthday Boy! - Glebe House School Fête - 16th May, 2010 - Photo Bridget Crofts Thumbs up from Trina Barrow and Helen Driver! (We did wake Ron before the first number) - Glebe House School Fête - 16th May, 2010 - Photo Bridget Crofts Dr. John Smith on his 81st birthday at Glebe House School Fête - 16th May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Ron Penniston enjoying a well earned break - Glebe House School Fête - 16th May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Louise Kittle - Glebe House School Fête - 16th May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Bridget Crofts and Elizabeth Morrison with John Crofts looking on - Glebe House School Fête - 16th May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Tony Foster - Glebe House School Fête - 16th May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster A slight niff perhaps - Glebe House School Fête - 16th May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Relaxing during the interval - Glebe House School Fête - 16th May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Carol Evans and Bruce Taylor - Glebe House School Fête - 16th May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Marion Shaw and Cathy Brooke - Glebe House School Fête - 16th May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Jacky Vugler and John Doubleday - Glebe House School Fête - 16th May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Chris Gutteridge conducting HCB - Glebe House School Fête - 16th May, 2010 - Photo Jan Foster Fallon Howe waiting to go on stage at the Princess Theatre, Hunstanton for the St. George's Day Concert - April 23rd, 2010 - Photo Tony Foster Chris Gutteridge, Alf Ball and Bridget Crofts at the Princess Theatre, Hunstanton before the St. George's Day Concert - April 23rd, 2010 - Photo Tony Foster Dr. John Smith relaxing before appearing on stage at the Princess Theatre, Hunstanton for the St. George's Day Concert - April 23rd, 2010 - Photo Tony Foster Band members at the Princess Theatre, Hunstanton before the St. George's Day Concert - April 23rd, 2010 - Photo Tony Foster Band members at the Princess Theatre, Hunstanton before the St. George's Day Concert - April 23rd, 2010 - Photo Tony Foster Band members at the Princess Theatre, Hunstanton before the St. George's Day Concert - April 23rd, 2010 - Photo Tony Foster Band members at the Princess Theatre, Hunstanton before the St. George's Day Concert - April 23rd, 2010 - Photo Tony Foster Hand Aid Concert at the Union Church, Hunstanton - April 10th, 2010 - Photo Janet Foster Hand Aid Concert at the Union Church, Hunstanton - April 10th, 2010 - Photo Janet Foster Hand Aid Concert at the Union Church, Hunstanton - April 10th, 2010 - Photo Janet Foster Hand Aid Concert at the Union Church, Hunstanton - April 10th, 2010 - Photo Janet Foster Hand Aid Concert at the Union Church, Hunstanton - April 10th, 2010 - Photo Barry Eastwood Hand Aid Concert at the Union Church, Hunstanton - April 10th, 2010 - Photo Barry Eastwoodr


Christmas Carols at Sainsbury's, Hunstanton collecting for the Mayor's Fund - December 19th, 2009 - Photo Angie and Darren Burrows Christmas Carols at Sainsbury's, Hunstanton collecting for the Mayor's Fund - December 19th, 2009 - Photo Angie and Darren Burrows Christmas Carols at Sainsbury's, Hunstanton collecting for the Mayor's Fund. Alf Ball - HCB Band Manager, Pat Wymer - Sainsbury's Manager and Christine Earnshaw - the Mayoress of Hunstanton - December 19th, 2009 - Photo Angie and Darren Burrows Christmas Carols at Sainsbury's, Hunstanton collecting for the Mayor's Fund - December 19th, 2009 - Photo Angie and Darren Burrows Christmas Carols at Sainsbury's, Hunstanton collecting for the Mayor's Fund - December 19th, 2009 - Photo Angie and Darren Burrows Christmas Carols at Sainsbury's, Hunstanton collecting for the Mayor's Fund - December 19th, 2009 - Photo Angie and Darren Burrows Christmas Carols at St. Mary's, Docking - December 13th, 2009 Christmas Carols at St. Mary's, Docking - December 13th, 2009 Christmas Carols at St. Mary's, Docking - December 13th, 2009 Christmas Fayre at Dalegate Market, Burnham Deepdale - December 5th, 2009 Christmas Fayre at Dalegate Market, Burnham Deepdale - December 5th, 2009 Christmas Fayre at Dalegate Market, Burnham Deepdale - December 5th, 2009 Christmas Fayre at Dalegate Market, Burnham Deepdale - December 5th, 2009 Christmas Fayre at Dalegate Market, Burnham Deepdale - December 5th, 2009 Christmas Fayre at Dalegate Market, Burnham Deepdale - December 5th, 2009 The first Café Church at the Union Church, Hunstanton - November 29th, 2009 The first Café Church at the Union Church, Hunstanton - November 29th, 2009 The first Café Church at the Union Church, Hunstanton - November 29th, 2009 Tinsel and Turkey break at Searles, Hunstanton with the Lavender Hill Mob (who kindly supplied the photo) - November 23rd, 2009 Tinsel and Turkey break at Searles, Hunstanton with the Lavender Hill Mob (who kindly supplied the photo) - November 23rd, 2009 Tinsel and Turkey break at Searles, Hunstanton with the Lavender Hill Mob (who kindly supplied the photo) - November 23rd, 2009 Christmas Cracker on the streets of Hunstanton - November 22nd, 2009 Christmas Cracker on the streets of Hunstanton - November 22nd, 2009 Christmas Cracker on the streets of Hunstanton - November 22nd, 2009 Christmas Cracker on the streets of Hunstanton - November 22nd, 2009 Edfest Dinner, Hunstanton - November 20th, 2009 Edfest Dinner, Hunstanton - November 20th, 2009 Preparing for a concert in St. Nicholas Chapel, King's Lynn in aid of the True's Yard, Museum - September 26th, 2009 Preparing for a concert in St. Nicholas Chapel, King's Lynn in aid of the True's Yard, Museum - September 26th, 2009 Preparing for a concert in St. Nicholas Chapel, King's Lynn in aid of the True's Yard, Museum - September 26th, 2009

Hunstanton Bandstand - September 6th, 2009 Holme-next-the-Sea Fête - August 15th, 2009 Holme-next-the-Sea Fête - August 15th, 2009
Holme-next-the-Sea Fête - August 15th, 2009 Rehearsal for Old Hunstanton Songs of Praise (in St. Mary's church) - July 31st, 2009 - Photo Neville Mackinder Setting up for the Old Hunstanton Songs of Praise - August 2nd, 2009

Setting up for the Old Hunstanton Songs of Praise - August 2nd, 2009 Trina singing 'Murphy and the Bricks'- HCB Barbeque July 2009 Alf on the harmonica for 'Pass the parcel' - HCB Barbeque July 2009

In the barn! - HCB Barbeque July 2009 Neville Mackinder, guest of the Band - HCB Barbeque July 2009 Ringstead Open Gardens with Alf Ball conducting from 1st Trumpet - 5th July 2009

In the Union Church, Hunstanton for their fête - 4th July 2009 In the Union Church, Hunstanton for their fête - 4th July 2009 On the band stand for the Hunstanton Carnival, Hunstanton - 28th June 2009

On the band stand for the Hunstanton Carnival, Hunstanton - 28th June 2009 On the band stand for the Hunstanton Carnival, Hunstanton - 28th June 2009 On the band stand for the Hunstanton Carnival, Hunstanton - 28th June 2009

Fête at the Glebe House School, Hunstanton with Chris Gutteridge conducting - 17th May 2009 Concert at St. Mary's, Snettisham in aid of the Mayor of King's Lynn's charity East Anglia's Children's Hospices (EACH) - 25th April 2009 At the first Civic Church Service at St. Edmund's, Hunstanton - 19th April 2009

At the opening of Budgens store, Fakenham<br>12th March 2009


Outside Sainsbury's Hunstanton playing Christmas music - 23rd December 2008 Movie clip - Outside Sainsbury's Hunstanton playing 'Jingle Bells' - 23rd December 2008 Outside Sainsbury's Hunstanton playing Christmas music - 23rd December 2008

Daryle joins the troops outside Sainsbury's Hunstanton - 23rd December 2008 Bruce, Pam, Janet and Alf thawing out before supper at Elizabeth and Andrew's<br>December, 2008 Cheers from Bryant, Becky, Louise and David before supper at Elizabeth and Andrew's - December, 2008

Trina looking nonchalant in rather fetching, festive headgear whilst Bridget is thinking, 'I really must get one of those for the next school prize-giving'. At Elizabeth and Andrew's, December 2008 Warming up for the Carol Concert in the Town Hall at Hunstanton, December 2008 Warming up for the Carol Concert in the Town Hall at Hunstanton, December 2008

Ron Penniston singing 'A Policeman's Lot' at the United Services club, Hunstanton<br>3rd December 2008 After our 10th Anniversary Concert - Alf Ball presenting a cheque for £1031.52 to Hunstanton RNLI - November 30th, 2008 10th Anniversary Concert, Hunstanton September 2008 - L to R: Daryle Taylor (Music Director HCB), Reuben Jones (Music Director King's Lynn Male Voice Choir), Jan Willson, Bridget Crofts, The Mayor of Hunstanton Councillor Mr. Richard Bird

The members of Hunstanton Concert Band at the time of the band's 10th Anniversary, September 2008 Heacham Carnival, July 2008 East Walton Barbecue, - June 2008


Strawberry Fair, The Vicarage, Old Hunstanton, June 2005

Before 2005

To see pictures taken during the current year please return to the main Gallery page.